Friday, October 8, 2010


Life Rocks...kinda

       Exams will soon be over, the "fun" will soon BEGIN!!! YES!!! but it will only last for a short moment rite...D: . hahaha. Loads of things had past by like a tornado. Laughter, hapiness, sadness, frustration, friends etc. Hmmm...hopeeeee everyday will be fun. Orh...cant bear to foresee the near future that i am gonna graduate. Will certainly miss my besties... Anyway, that is quite far away, i suppose...........
        Today had my Emath pp2. Only 2 more paper(that i fear most though) left!!!(bio and chem) OMG.....Hope that everyone will score well! YES.
         Life,,,,had been kind of usual, just that thr are some spice of life provided by my besties...Yeah, life goes on its just whether we spent it well :D. LIFE ROCKS! YEAH!!! kinda....

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