Thursday, April 22, 2010

trying my "best" to work hard. but ironically, i am always on facebook or somewhr on the comp. the best thing is not to even switch on the comp and start concentrating. when i switch on the comp, i always tell myself tat i am gonna use it for study purpose. but in the end, i still end up facebooking, feel so pissed off with myself. i kept saying that time was not enough, the days are going by too quickly. but i knew that i was deceiving myself. i just spent my time wasted on t.v and facebooking, how am i suppose to really start to chiong??? wat should i do! again, i am trying to run away from the reality. "wat should i do?!" is always used by me, isit just simply deceiving myself or am i not facing the fact that we have no choice but to give in... ...trying my best to stay happy always :D

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