Monday, March 30, 2009
A peranakan Museum
Friday, March 27, 2009
Yesterday, and today...
Yesterday, earning $$ for pet on facebook...yipee!!got 5000 to buy pink colour de swing....i love it! but now... the swing dun suit any of the rooms so thinking of changing wallpaper at living rm...but want a type that has a unique style...wat should i do...??? ILOVEPETSOCIETY! P.S wanna thks Desiree for giving me a lovely piano...")
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
5 & 6 Peace...
Today, i was searching on the internet for some syf things on youtube then link until chij...saw my old sch, chij oln, and my past form teacher, ms sarina...I miss 6 peace and miss Sarina! Remembering my frenz, besties...Haiz... i am so sad...think lost some of the photos taken on graduation day...SOB...Dunno whether ms sarina still remember me...hope so
Idiotic BUS!!
So, today, after my business entrepreneur programme, i went to the bus stop to wait 4 after wat seemed like hrs, it finally came. But!!! Went i stood thr and was bout to take the stupid bus, it drove right PAST me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..............................sianx...fortunately, my mum then came and fetch me...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Wow! Bowling yesterday night at downtown east was super fun! In my exp. in bowling, i actually, got a few strike! though still got a FEW in the past(rarely) Maybe cause i got play wii bowling..hehe...Alethea(my darling niece), Mum, Father, Bro, leon, cassendra, leroy, stacey...I LOVE BOWLING~~
P.S Alethea is soooooo cute yesterday...!
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