Friday, June 13, 2008


BaBy AlEtHeA!!Muaks!


karaoke at kbox!

So..tat 1 fine day i went karaoke at downtown east with my mother and my cousin in-law. Guess wat, she even brought her baby! lol.. the baby was...Alethea! she was really a cutiepie. Look at the pictures!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


angela's concert!!

!!finally i have waited 4 so long. Tat 1 fine day, 1th of june, i woked up and realised tat it was finally angela's concert...Wow! tat feeling was very special because tat was my first concert. Before tat day, i was practising all andela's song. Esp. the new album, [ang 0.5], if i am not wrong...hehe...
So..tat particular night, i was at the expo hall 5 waiting for my cousin. Wow! wat a no. of ppl and big... poster?? Anyway, we then went into the hall, sat down at the correct seat, and guess wat. we realised tat the ppl surrounding ask are all like aunties and uncles..wat the..will they be high not?haiz...
Suddenly, the lights were off then, then huge spotlight was on.. and guess wat, ANGLA ZHANG was in the projector!! haha...she started singing the song:(..) however we were unable to see her until a few minutes later, she rose up fromunder the stage. Then everybody shouted and clappings were heard! WoW!! incredible! But the thing is, seems like i am the only one who is like so high while the aunties and un cles were like "..." diaox! damn sianx lah!but i was still quite high..lols.but it would be more cool if everyone stood up and sway the lightstick together. tat would surely be more fun!
So lalala after. The concert was going to end!! sad leh.the encore was also very disappointing. She only sang 1 song 4 the enocore part. how i wish she would sang more. she only sang 2 songs of her new album leh!
But still, i enjoyed it very much tat i even stood on top of the chair!!

P.S. The expo chairs were like 2 cushions pasted with gold coloured metal...

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